After students have recorded the ratings and evidence from the presentations, invite them to assume the fictional role of a “Knighthood Reviewer” for the British Government. This person has come to the Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia to investigate claims that several of Douglas’ actions during his time as governor were not worthy of the appointment as a Knight Commander of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath (KCB).
Direct students to prepare a one- or two-page report to the British government indicating whether the three incidents are grounds for having reservations about recommending Douglas for knighthood and to support their conclusion with evidence from the case studies.
Before embarking on the activity, review with students the rubric, #14 Assessing the Report, to indicate the need to offer a plausible recommendation, provide accurate and important information about the three incidents and communicate clearly. If desired, after completing the activity, arrange for students to assess their own or each others’ ratings and justifications.
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